Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Circus = Cotton Candy

I hear circus and I think cotton candy. I even made sure AJ and I were on the same page about Matt eating it before I even thought about taking Matt to the circus. I knew I wanted some and Matt would too once he saw everyone else eating it. My wonderful brother Joe bought a big bag for all of us to share. Matt had his first taste and like his Mom went back for more and more and more. He loved it.

You want me to eat this???

OK if you say so, I'll try it.

mmmmm... More? Pleeeeassse!

Joe wasn't laughing long once he saw
how sticky Matt's fingers got.
(really Joe was a good sport and I was glad he was the one holding Matt)

Just a few other pictures too
There were pony rides and Matt was brave
and asking to ride until we got to the
pony and he became a cat that does not
want to get in a bath tub.
He was clinging on so hard. So the wonderful
Shriners gave us our money back and that
is how Spiderman, which is almost
as tall as Matt, came into our lives.

One quick picture with the old looking
fire truck before we left the circus.
I wish Joe and AJ had let us in on the memo
to wear red. We could have had all the boys matching.
Now that would have been cute.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Clean Shave

Here is AJ getting ready to shave and Matt is in the bathtub. Of course AJ cannot resist putting the shaving cream on Matt. Please notice how AJ puts his shaving cream on completely over his mouth. Now surely AJ would not do that to Matt because Matt is 2 and doesn't really know the difference between the white stuff that is yummy on Grandmama's coffee (whip cream) and this white stuff that is on dad's face. Well guess what? Matt now knows the stuff on dad's face is yucky!

Matt realizing this is the yucky white stuff.

My Boys Shaving Together

Matt's "razor" was supplied by Mom
and her eyebrow brush.
AJ had a great time shaving with his son,
and I think, I just think Matt had fun too!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Batman! I Mean Boogie

I have been looking at these Batman pjs forever at the store thinking AJ will just tell me, "Matt has plenty of pjs. Why did you get these?" I of course did not take into consideration that my grown husband is still very much a little boy himself. He saw the pjs last weekend and threw them in the cart and said, "We have to get these. I mean look it comes with a cape!" 

Our Boogie the "Cape Crusader" running around making the Vaughn Home safe for everyone. At least for every person. The kitties are usually the targets of crime fighting. Which is only right since they are the biggest troublemakers (after Matt). But as you can guess Matt and 
Bat-Boogie are never in the same place at the same time!

Off to Fight the Bad Guys

Bat-Boogie After a Scuffle 
(that is marker on his lip) 

Sneaking up on the Diabolical Starsky Cat

Fighting the Nasty Plaque Villain  

Starsky Cat and Plaque are mere child's play to Bat-Boogie's 
 Archenemies  "Dastardly Dad" and "Malicious Mom" 
always hiding in the shadows waiting to tell the Bat-Boogie,
 "No. Don't do that."
Watch OUT Bat-Boogie "Dastardly Dad"
is on the loose.

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Coffee" Break

AJ and I drink coffee in the mornings usually and Matt has started to notice. He is always wanting his own coffee cup, so I had to go hunting for a "coffee" set that wasn't pink and purple and yes also affordable. (I know Pottery Barn Kids usually has kitchen stuff for boys, but it is also the same price if not more then what I would spend on my own real tea set/ I mean coffee set) Thanks to the sharp eye of Grandmama I got Matt a red, blue, and green coffee set. 

He loves pretending that he is making coffee and cocoa for himself and for us. AJ even made Matt his own pot of "coffee" (chocolate milk) I helped Matt pour and we all three enjoyed a little coffee break. It was super cute watching him drink from this big boy cup and he really got the hang of it fast. I think he spilt the first cup, but the next cup he got all the drink, and by the end he was one handing it like a pro. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Matt, AJ, and I went to the Zoo about a week and 1/2 ago with my dad. We all had a lot of fun. Matt was a little more timid around the animals then he normally is. He would start to whine and scream a bit when we would get close to the glass, and then when we would put him down he would walk away waving to the animals saying, "Bye lion. See you later." (or whatever animal we were looking at. fish, kitty, monkeys, take or pick he wanted nothing to do with any of them except of course the BEARS.)
This is the new gorilla statue at the zoo.

Oh wait, that one on the left is AJ.
(Sorry honey. I love you)

Matt actually sat still on the statue long
enough for me to take a few pictures.
Never smiling though, of course.

A close up of the bears.
Matt loves them so much he went right up to the glass.
Cute picture of Matt and his Grandpa Chuck
I think they both enjoyed themselves because 
they both talk about going back to see the animals.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Outfit Fits!

Winterized Boogie

Matt has started telling me what he would and would not like to wear. It iced here a week or so ago and AJ and I dressed Matt up really warm so he could go out and play. He did not like this. He was just ready to go outside. He does remind me of the  younger brother on Christmas Story. He did have fun though once I got all the clothes and winter gear on. His gloves are big because they were all I could find around the house. Bad mom I know, but the weather has been in the 50s this winter he hasn't needed gloves.
As for dressing himself he does have me put the clothes on him, but he picks out the outfit. I guess I could stop these train wrecks, but then you wouldn't have these cute pictures to look at.

Yes those are pj bottoms, but he told me Mickey pants and those are all we have.
So you have Mickey pants with the Pooh shirt and don't forget the Lightning McQueen socks.
He is ready for his close-up!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Maybe a Soccer Player???

Matt loves getting hit in the head with a ball. He makes AJ throw the ball at him over and over again. (Don't worry the ball is light and AJ throws it soft) He just laughs. It is one of the funniest things because Matt is belly laughing hard. So I think we might have a future soccer player in the works. They like getting hit in the head with a ball right?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enjoying the OU Cookie!

I haven't done this in awhile, so these pictures aren't very current. They are actually before Matt's birthday, but after his party. This is the OU cookie Grandpa Chuck brought over for Matt. He knows his grandson loves cookies and the Sooners. So why not put that together? This is just Matt and AJ enjoying the cookie. It was very good. I had some too, but I didn't think me stuffing my face with cookie needed to be captured in pictures. It is so much cuter seeing Matt do that instead. So thank you Grandpa we enjoyed the cookie!