Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 23, 2008

Big Slide Boogie

The other day we went to the park as a family. It was very nice because it has been a while since AJ has really gotten some down time to enjoy with us. Matt found his love for bigger slides. He played on a smaller slide that he could do all by himself, but once we put him on that big slide there was no going back. 


Katie said...

Way to go Matt! You are getting so big! That was a REALLY BIG slide too!!!! Looks like you had fun though. Miss you lots little nephew! Love, Aunt Katie

T said...

Wow cousin! I went to the park the other day, but I still have a hard time sitting up to slide. I like to go on my belly and prefer head first. I did find a tunnel and a bridge that are way in they sky and liked to walk across those. But when I got tired, I tripped and now I have a big lip and a big bruise on my forehead. It hurt and I cried, but my mom made it better when she told the tunnel no-no for hurting me. It made me laugh. I am going to have her take me to this other park where the tunnel is longer. I hope that I am as brave as you. Tell your mom and dad hi for me and that I can't wait to show them how big I have gotten. Love, Tyler