Uncle Bill came over to watch The Office last night, and Matt wanted to show him the Captain America outfit he got. Well Bill showed him some moves, the shield bash for one, (Thanks by the way Bill!) and the battle was then on!
It all started with Matt taking Bill's OSU
hat. Matt gave Bill his OU hat as a trade.
(These are some crazy guys)
Bill gets his hat back and
manages to keep Captain Ameri-Matt
at bay. For the time being anyway.
Uncle Bill looses his hat again
but has Cap in his clutches
Captain Ameri-Matt bounces back
and now has his mighty shield.
With the new shield bashing trick
Uncle Bill is easy to take down.
Uncle Bill has been defeated for now.
Matt thinks it is hilarious.
Until next time...
Not sure what to think of this picture
It is an effect I can do with my camera
I go back and forth, but I thought
I would still share it.